Scientists aim to turn pencil lead into memory chips

בעובי 2 אטומים: תופעת ה”סופר-חלקה” יושמה לראשונה בהתקנים אלקטרוניים

מחקר ישראלי: ניתן ליצור חומרים חדשים משכבות אטומיות זהות

Polytype switching by super-lubricant van der Waals cavity arrays

Nature (2025)
Polarization Saturation in Multilayered Interfacial Ferroelectrics

Advanced Materials (2024)
Sliding van der Waals Polytypes

Nature Reviews Physics (2024)
Mid-Infrared Mapping of Four-Layer Graphene Polytypes Using Near-Field Microscopy

Nano Letters 23 (23), 10758-10764
Spontaneous Electric Polarization in Graphene Polytypes

Advanced Physics Research (2024)
Cumulative polarization in conductive interfacial ferroelectrics

(Nature 2022)
Control of the coherent excitonic nonlinear response in WSe2

2022 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (2022)